23 June 2010

Day 88: a general update

So...by now I am on the road to Washington, DC where librarians will be descending like locusts in the hopes of obtaining free swag, new contacts, and perhaps a nerdy love connection or two.  I've heard that mating rituals between librarians are strange and adorable.  I am excited and already overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that will be going on.  There are a lot of events that are double and triple booked that I really, really, really want to go to, and I'm only 100 pages in to the nearly 400 page program.

I'll be meeting up with some good friends of mine in DC, namely Matthew's parents and also someone who was a bit of a father figure to me in high school.  Both will probably be somewhat awkward, but good overall.

Anyway, since this conference plus my travel will take so long, you get a whole week of guest posts!  You should be excited about these, because there are some rather good ones.  Hopefully I will be able to keep up with my reading, so there will be a lot of catch up for me to write about when I get back.  I may also have a couple dozen brand-spankin'-new ARCs, stuff that you might not even see on the shelves for months.

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