01 February 2011

Post 311: a general update

Well, looks like it's time to tell you what I'm reading again. I have two eBooks on reserve at the library that I'm next in line for. I have no idea when they will expire for the previous person or if said person will return them. Yes, you can return eBooks now, please do so after you have loaded them on your reader so the next person can download it. You still get to keep it on your reader. This is actually pretty cool. It's like returning a book without returning a book... Yeah.

Reading list time.

First Contact, or It's Later than You Think by Evan Mandery.
Oooooh, this book is so cuuuuute. There's a lot of funny going on in here. The characterization of the president is pretty hilarious, especially his response to aliens that appear Jewish, but really the courtship between Jessica and Ralph is the star of the show. Their conversations are adorable, but in a mid-twenties almost mature sort of way. I'm about 70 pages into this 250-something book and I'm already loving the wackiness.

Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water by Peter H. Gleick.
I really hate the idea of bottled water. It seems like such a waste of money. Really the only time water should be bought in bottles is for storm preparation, camping trips, or other similar places in which clean tap water is not available. I don't even like the taste of most bottled waters, it tastes too flat and plastic-y. It can't possibly be healthy for you. Surely after awhile the plastic starts to break down and filter into the water.... Anyway, we'll see what Gleick has to say about it.

The Water is Wide by Pat Conroy.
I will admit, I read Prince of Tides sometime in high school and really liked it. I saw this show up on NetGalley and thought, "eh, why not." We'll see if I still like Conroy or if my liking of his work carries over to other novels. This one is about a failing school system in which most of the kids can barely read or write. Sounds familiar.

Republocrat by Carl R. Trueman.
Commentary by a Christian theologian and historian about why conservative Christianity does not and should not mean that one is also politically conservative and vice versa. When I requested the title I don't think I realize this centered around religion, but I'll be interested to hear Trueman's arguments as it seems from Goodreads reviews that he frames a very reasonable case.

Two Moon Princess by Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban.
Uh, this is another ALA 2010 pick up. I think I had heard good things about this on the book blogger circuit. I don't know why it's taken so long for me to get around to it. I like the idea of a princess wanting to be a knight. I don't think I'll get my hopes up though. Except for a very few authors, most YA literature marketed to girls I've read recently has been very disappointing.

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