19 February 2011

Post 329: Fallen

Fallen by Lauren Kate. ISBN: 9780385738934.

I really love it when people make up books in fictional books, especially when they are of the non-fiction variety. However, this is the first time I have encountered a fictional non-fiction book that was assigned its own call number. I am slightly impressed by the fact that Kate went that far in creating her book. Although, since I'm a librarian there was something about the call number that seemed way off to me. This is not me trying to be snarky or anything, this is me really enjoying the professional knowledge floating around in my head. Since I'm not using it any other way right now, I might as well entertain myself and others.

Anyway, here's the entry in the card  catalog, which was well done, by the way:
Grigori, D. The Watchers: Myth in Medieval Europe. Seraphim Press, Rome, 1755.
Call No.: R999.318 GRI
For those of you who do not spend a lot of time in academic libraries, this call number system comes from Library of Congress. It is primarily used for larger systems. The first letter tells you what "schedule" the book belongs to. Most do not correspond with the subject matter, although the first part of the alphabet is mostly dedicated to humanities. There are irreverent librarians out there like me who are always amused by the fact that religious texts are located in BS. Music is handily in the M's. Z is dedicated to all things bookish (repair, award lists, Z is basically the meta section). Most of the books in religion are in the Bs; this includes church history, which this fictional work would probably be nearby.

So what's in the R section? That's mostly devoted to medicine. So if you happened to really like this book and want to follow in Luce's footsteps, going to your public library would be your first mistake. Instead take a look at your local college library. As long as you aren't at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, you should be looking at Library of Congress instead of the more familiar Dewey Decimal system. Next, instead of going to the R section, consider going into BR which is more geared toward religious history, I think that might help you out more.

Speaking of other nerdy things I like to do with call numbers, searching the previously mentioned University of Illinois's catalog for the longest possible Dewey Decimal number is the best fun a librarian can have. I think the longest one I found was 9 decimal places. Can you beat that?

I thought this was a fairly good review by another Goodreader. I rated it three stars, although the last star is more of a waffle, the ending is really what pushed it over into 3-star territory. This is pretty much a fluff book.
LibsNote: Library copy. Yay, free books!


  1. Oh very cool of her sticking something like that in the book that only a select group of people will understand lol.

  2. Indeed, I do appreciate she paid enough attention to detail to assign a call number. I think if I had the chance to interview her, I would definitely ask how she came up with it and why she chose Library of Congress over the Dewey Decimal system given that most school libraries use Dewey. I really do love library science, so I like to geek out over things like that.

  3. If I remember correctly, she's pretty good about responding to fans if you want to contact her via her website.
