07 June 2011

Post 390: a general update

I'm a little slow with this general update. Whoops. I had a huge buffer there for awhile, but if you're following my Goodreads and/or Twitter account, you might notice that I've been reading books I haven't been blogging about. Part of that is because I feel it is healthier for me and more productive for this blog if I am able to read without worrying about what I'm going to write about. The other part is because with the current schedule I'm on I sometimes manage to get the previously mentioned huge buffer. This is good in some ways because it means I am less reliant on guest bloggers, but if I get too far ahead I will be posting information that is very, very, very outdated about my personal life. For instance, that Bookstore job I mentioned? Yeah, I didn't get that. So, I'm still unemployed. I've pretty much given up at this point. I don't know what that means for me, but it probably means I will never be a librarian and now I have to figure out what the hell else to do with my life.

Anyway, that's what's going on with me personally. I keep it short, because who cares, right?

Books! Somehow I got a lot of mystery novels in here, ya'll.

The Girl in the Garden by Kamala Nair.
Saw this title on NetGalley and love, love, loved the cover design. Sometimes the cover really does sell the book. You'll see what I mean when it posts, it is beautiful. This is about a second generation Indian American named Rakhee. She and her mother go back to India while her mother's marriage falls apart and she learns secrety secrets about her family. However, since this is told as a frame tale, it is within the context of Rakhee keeping this very story secret from her fiance. It asks the question of how much our future spouses need to know/should know about our families and whether we can live with ourselves if they don't know and love us, or if they do know and decide they don't.

Hell at the Breech by Tom Franklin.
Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter was SO good that I ended up recommending it to a family friend, who apparently loves Tom Franklin, but didn't realize he had published a "new" novel. Anyway, said friend lent me this a while back, but I had a slew of library books I needed to get through first. I'm sure after a month or so that just about anyone would want their book back already.

The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt.
I was gabbing with some people at the local indie bookstore and they mentioned that this was a great read. As always, I am kind of meh about mysteries, but then I magically won this by participating in the #fridayreads hashtag. This is where people all over the interbutts tell you what they're reading. Twitter is kind of amazing like that. If you don't participate in the hashtag yet, you should, it's loads of fun. Anyway, excited to have the opportunity to read a book I probably wouldn't have picked up on my own.

The Third Rail by Michael Harvey.
This and the next book were offered to me by a PR person from the publishing house. I kind of love getting offers like this because it makes me feel like I have Made It as a book blogger. This is stupid of course, because I have so few readers, but I like to think I have quality readers. You guys are awesome. What's this book about? Chaos in Chicago! Riots on the Rails! Sickness in the Subway? Menacing Mystery Men? Okay, enough of that, it's getting silly.

You're Next by Gregg Hurwitz.
Mike was raised in foster care, but now he's fairly successful, has a daughter and wife when SUDDENLY MYSTERY. He remembers things from his past that he had forgotten and now they are back to haunt him and threaten the life he has built. Reviews on Goodreads seem to be generally positive, with the occasional naysayer thrown in. We shall see. Keep in mind, I am already kind of meh about mysteries.

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