25 June 2011

Post 396: a general update

Oh man, I almost forgot to do a general update again. I think I got a little overwhelmed by all of the offers I've been getting by email recently from publishers. Here's a small hint if you want me to accept your title: at the very least include the name of my blog. I am aware I'm a nobody, but come on, the title of my blog is in big, big letters at the top of the page. Take a look at my About Me page, chances are you will learn exactly what my blog is about. If you ask me to put a "review" on my blog for your book, I know you haven't read my About Me page. This is a little different than your average book blog. Oh, and if you're new to the blog, check out that page too. It will explain why I link to my reviews on Goodreads and/or from other sources, and yes they are different. Double the content, double the headaches, for me at least. The extra step, I have taken it.


Feast by Merrie Destefano.
I actually finished this on the 24th. There were problems, but I was not overly surprised that there were. The cover, it whispered things to me. Speaking of the cover, why is there an early twenty-year old when Maggie has a 9-year old? Marketers, you frustrate me with your choices.

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.
I saw someone reading this at ALA 2010 on the subway and I wanted it. I had no idea what it was about, but I knew I wanted to read it. Sometimes there are titles that are like that, plus I think the woman was very involved. Have you ever watched a person read a book and they looked like they were enjoying it so much you just knew you were going to go out and find it at some point? Well, okay, so I'm weird, but that's what happened.

I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confession of Google Employee #59 by Douglas Edwards.
Google is interesting. Because it is Google. Also, maybe I am hoping for more search hits from Google because I will be mentioning Google a lot in that post. Also in this one, Google, Google, Google. Bing. Oh, wait, that last one I was channeling Colbert. Sorry, Google. Where's my $2500 per mention? What? I don't have a million viewers? Well... poop.

Thoughts Without Cigarettes by Oscar Hijuelos.
I won a book, hooray! Thanks to the Goodreads Firstreads program, I was sent this book by the publisher in the hopes that I would read and review it. Since I'm a book blogger, that will actually happen. Why did I want to read this? I liked the title and my focus as an undergraduate was in American immigrant history (that's immigrants to America). I know nothing about Cuban immigrants, or their culture, so we can tally this one on my professional development board. Bam.

Kiss Me Like a Stranger by Gene Wilder.
I can't remember where I first saw/heard about this book. It's Gene Wilder. I love Gene Wilder. Gene Wilder is practically my daddy. I have seen more of his movies in the past year than I have seen of my father in the past five. Also, did you know he's older than Christopher Lloyd? How messed up is that? He and Mel Brooks, in my opinion, are pretty much the only stand-up guys in Hollywood. That town will suffer a severe vacuum of morality and all-around goodness when we lose them, and that town already sucks. (Note: I am generalizing, there are definitely a few other Good Guys out there, but Come On! Also, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Brooks lives in New York.)

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