13 August 2011

Post 414: a general update

Ah, I seem to have acquired quite a few galleys from NetGalley and a couple of publicists. I'll be tackling a number of those. Someday I will get to the pile I've created from buying books from the library sale table (at 3 for a quarter I almost can't refrain from buying them). Not much going on with me this week.

What are you reading?

Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America by Shawn Lawrence Otto.
Won on Goodreads, but I was very interested in the topic. It didn't occur to me until I saw the title, that Yes, there is a sort of desire to ignore science when it comes to politics and religion. I've already started it, and it's a fairly well-balanced look at our political system and its willingness to completely ignore the implications of scientific research and inquiry.

The Postmortal by Drew Magary.
Mortality has been cured, sort of. John Farrell can't die from old age, but he is still prone to all of the other things people can die from. This appears to be humorous. I love it when authors mock death, it entertains me in a way other literary conditions don't. I'm hoping this will be somewhat similar to The Dirty Job by Christopher Moore.

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer.
This has been floating around for some 10 years to enough acclaim that it automatically went on my To Read Someday When I Can't Find Anything Else list. However, it popped up on NetGalley, so here I am. I have pretty much no expectations for this.

Tankborn by Karen Sandler.
This popped up on my feed as a new title for Dystopian Fiction August at Presenting Lenore. If you are unaware of her blog and the special Zombie Chicken rating, it is worth checking out. Anyway, I saw it again on NetGalley and figured it was worth checking out. There are genetically engineered humans, which are always interesting, especially in combination with a highly-stratified class system.


  1. I'm a sucker for those library book sales too!

    I dedicated August to ARCs so I could get through some of my backlog. I just read and reviewed Drew Magary's The Postmortal. I enjoyed it. Just in case you are interested: Review of The Postmortal on Feeding My Book Addiction

    Happy reading!

  2. We have a library sale coming up in a few weeks, and my husband it not too happy about it. ;)

    I actually really like the Artemis Fowl series. I like the fact it is a male character, and I remember a number of my students a few years ago really liking the series as a whole. It is definitely entertaining reading!

  3. Library sales are freakin' awesome. Although I am somewhat concerned that my library might actually be TOO aggressive with their weeding. They shelves look really bare bones and there's STILL hardly anything I want to read.

    Jenica, I think I saw your review pop up and I thought to myself, Oh! Yeah! I need to read that. I will probably take a look at your review when I finish. Sometimes I find it helpful to read other people's reviews when writing my own. Jogs that sluggish brain of mine.

    I liked it for the first two pages and then the fairies showed up with technology and it was all, "Oh." But then Mulch Diggums made a (re)appearance and now it is interesting again. The writing style is a bit too tell-y for my tastes, but that seems to be a Middle Grade genre problem. I may just be too old for it, now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my Metamucil.
